Meet the Makers – Ellie May
Tell us a little about your business?
Ellie-May’s Nook came about as a bit of an accident, I was managing a juice bar at the same premises and, due to interesting circumstances (to say the least), I was offered the option to take over the lease, a decision, I had to make in one day. I then had one week to turn the juice bar and fit-out into a café. It was an amazing adventure and roller-coaster ride at the time, however, I had some great support from my customers and local Cammeray community who helped make it happen, which I am so grateful for.
How long have you had your business?
November will mark our 4th year.
What do you love most about Cammeray?
The people. I love the supportive community of Cammeray. We are actually a rather close-knit village. People look out for others here. A lot of people are good friends from having met at the ‘Nook’. I love the fact that the café has had a hand in friendships.
Favourite thing on your menu?
As we are coming into summer, it has to be the chicken and halloumi salad. So fresh, healthy and filling.
What inspires you to do what you do?
The Cammeray Community. What I love most about this job is chatting with my customers. A lot of my customers have become my friends. I love hearing about their lives, the lows and highs, and even if a cup of coffee and a smile can make a difference to their day, I’ve done my job.